The buzz surrounding the much-anticipated book Blockchain Revolution: How the technology behind bitcoin is changing money, business, and the world co-authored by renowned media visionary Don Tapscott and his son, blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, is well founded. I was lucky to be seated at the standing-room-only Canadian book launch and presentation at Rotman School of Management recently, attended by Canada’s business elite. Much of what Don Tapscott had predicted in his 1994 book The Digital Economy had come to pass, and as such, the audience was all ears.
To understand blockchain technology, or to try to at least, is to understand the buzz. At a high level, according to the Tapscotts, the blockchain is the most important digital innovation to follow the Internet. It is the technology which underpins the digital currency bitcoin, and its disruptive capabilities are expected to be huge, impacting not only financial services, but virtually every industry, institution and even government in the world.